Monday, August 27, 2012

A Blessing from The Celtic Daily Prayer

Here is a blessing that is meaningful to me. You can find it at the end of Morning Prayer in the Celtic Daily Prayer: Prayers and Readings from the Northumbria Community (p. 19).

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you,
wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness,
protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing
at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing
once again into our doors.
(© 2002 The Northunbria Community Trust Ltd.)

Here's a link to the SATB arrangement by David Merkel ( I wish I could direct you to the performance of the music, but I couldn't find one. The singing of the text enhances the beauty of the blessing. 

Here's another link to a cute recitation by two children ( I'm guessing they receive this blessing whenever they leave home.

I encountered the blessing at Quiet Days at the Church of the Nativity in Northborough, MA. And Fr. Len Cowan uses it each Sunday morning, at least at the early service, as the blessing following the Eucharist.

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